Saturday, May 19, 2012

Great Strides Walk 2012

This morning was our Great Strides walk, and it was a gorgeous day!  There were over 600 walkers this year, and the most accurate total they had for the funds raised was over $100,000!

Our team was small, and next year I'm hoping we can have more people join us!  This year, though, our team included me, John, Judith, my friend Amy and her 3 children, and 2 of my grandparents.  I was pretty impressed that my grandfather walked the entire 5k loop - he has a bad knee and normally doesn't walk long distances like that, but he completed the whole thing!

There were 2 photographers on hand that took team pictures and documented the day's events - I will post the team picture as soon as I receive it in my inbox!  I have some of my own pics from the day:

Taking it all in!

Puppy balloon from the balloon guy

Judith got to meet an 18 year old African tortoise.  She wasn't too wild about it... or the grass.

John relaxing in the shade before the walk

Exploring the shrubbery

Team Journey for Judith getting ready to walk!

5k takes a lot out of you, yo.


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