Friday, August 3, 2012

First Adventure to the Hands-on-House

Originally, we were planning to take a big family day trip to Knoebel's.  John's family was going to meet up with us and my parents, and we were going to spend the day taking Judith on some rides for the first time (last year we only took her on the train since she was so little).  Thanks to the ridiculously hot and humid summer, our plans did not unfold - since it was so humid today, and the air quality levels were at an orange, we opted for me to stay behind with Judith while John met his parents, brother, and our niece and nephews to have fun on the rides.

Instead of hanging around the house, though, I told my parents that I'd like to bring Judith and the dogs to their place, and thought that maybe we could take her to the Hands-on-House for the first time.  I've been holding off on taking her, since I knew she wasn't really ready to handle it and she was still putting everything in her mouth, but I thought that today would be a perfect opportunity to give it a shot since it was an activity we could do inside in the a/c (and she's not putting as much in her mouth right now, so that was an added bonus!).

Hands-on-House is a local children's museum that has many different activities for kids to enjoy.  It originally started in an old house, and I went there many times when I was a kid. Since then, the museum moved across the street and is now adjacent to Landis Valley, and is on 1 level.  The activities are different (the grocery store is still the same, just updated to mirror what a modern grocery store looks like instead of the '80s version ha ha), but no less entertaining and educational.

I am so glad that my mom and I took Judith today!  She had an absolute blast, even though she's still a little young to do everything, but watching her explore the different areas was awesome!

Checking out the color changing board



Moving the eggs into the refrigeration unit, then waiting for them to pop back out

It's a cow butt!

Driving the New Holland tractor

Picking corn

Petting the pig

Selecting some dog food while holding a mushroom top in the grocery store

Sorting mail - is she going to follow in her great Grandpa's footsteps and be a letter carrier?

Yo ho ho!

Quality control

Germ blaster!

Fishing with Grandma


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