Tuesday, December 11, 2012

CF Clinic

Hurricane Sandy delayed our clinic visit, but we finally got to go for our fall visit today.

Exploring things in the waiting room

 Her well baby visit last Friday went really well, and I was cautiously optimistic that we might be starting to turn over a new leaf and wouldn't melt down every time the doctor came into the room.  When the nurses called her into the triage area to check her vitals, things got off to a good start:

Waiting with Daddy

Watching the nurses get the equipment ready

Fascinated by the light on the pulse ox monitor

Checking her BP

Bubble distraction!

Judith saw Dr. G. walking in the hallway twice while they were taking her vitals, and she didn't cry!  That hasn't happened in a long time, and I felt more confident that the visit would go well.

Weighing her was not easy since she was protesting the scale.  They used the infant scale so they could get the most accurate weight since she was still in the 3% for weight at her last visit.  Today she was 22 lbs 12 oz (naked), so not too far off from the pediatrician's scale.  They measured her at 32.5", but we're not sure how accurate that is since we didn't know if John had her head in the right spot.  She calmed down once she was allowed to get off the scale.

Our visit with the team today was a little faster than normal, but I also didn't have a lot of concerns or questions.  Judith cooperated so well during Dr. G's exam, and really impressed the team, both with her behavior and her new language skills.  Her lungs sounded ok (normally Dr. G. says they're good if they're totally clear), and I may be reading too much into things, but they want to wait and see what her chest x-ray results are.  I'm hoping for clear lungs, and also for a clean throat culture.

In addition to the x-rays, we had to do her annual blood draws.  I knew that was going to be rough, and there isn't anything we can really do about it.  Her nurse put some of the numbing cream on her arms before we went to the lab, and while that helped a bit she flipped out when they had to dig for the vein with the needle.  I hate it when they do that to me, so I don't blame her for crying harder.  She unfortunately had to have 2 needle sticks, one in each arm, because the first vein blew halfway through the draw.  I feel bad for her, and I'm glad we don't have to do this often.  We should have results for some of the tests early next week, and the rest should come back in the next week or 2.

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