Sunday, July 24, 2011

Prayers for 2 Special Babies

If you're the praying type, please add 2 very special babies to your prayer list (both of their moms I met on The Bump).

First, little Adria.  Adria's FB Page details her story.  Adria has never experienced life outside of the hospital, and sadly never will get to do so.  Her fragile life is being cut very short, and her parents and family can use all the prayers that people can offer.

Second, little Cassady.  I met her mom on the Special Needs board - her daughter also has CF (she has severe CF disease). They just found out this week that she's infected with staph, E. coli, and pseudomonas.  I had to google pseudomonas, and this bacteria is very serious for CF patients - it becomes resistant to antibiotics and treatments, and causes irreversible lung damage leading to respiratory failure.  It's a nightmare situation for them, but it sounds like they can start treating it and hopefully push it out of her lungs for now.

I absolutely hate that these families are going through this .  Life sucks.

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