Friday, April 29, 2011

Crazy Weather...

We're fortunate that we did not get anything nearly as bad as the people in the South got, and I feel so bad for everyone that lost homes and loved ones in the tornadoes.  I'd like to talk a little bit about what went on here though, so here goes!

Tuesday, as mentioned before, was quite warm, and the humidity really started creeping in.  By Wednesday, it was very humid for this time of year, and was bordering on being unbearable.  I actually put my hair up in a ponytail for the first time in a very long time - that's how bad it was.  We knew the storms were coming through, and I was tracking the storms in the south via The Weather Channel.  By 3:00, the tornado watches were issued for parts of PA (we weren't in them here, and my parents' county was barely in the box).  Nothing materialized nearby, and the much waited for rain didn't come either.  We were under severe thunderstorm watches here overnight - something that's not super common, but not unheard of.  I didn't sleep well from a combination of nosiness about the storms, from worrying about what could be coming our way, and from the humidity.  Fast forward to the morning, and the first storms started arriving.  I managed to get the dogs and Judith out of the house between rounds and get down to my parents without too many problems (John's car was getting an oil change) - I hit some heavy rain, but that was about it.

Things didn't remain calm.  Around 9:00, the series of tornado warnings were being issued.  The storms were training, and were coming out of Maryland.  They would start in York county, then head to Lancaster county.  We literally had 3 (or 4 - I kind of lost count!) warnings within a 2.5 hour time span.  Nothing materialized near my parents' place except for a little bit of thunder/lightning, some wind, and lots of heavy rain.  Other places in the area didn't fare so lucky: there was a confirmed tornado in York county, and 2 confirmed tornadoes in Lebanon county.

Then the cold front moved through, things settled down, the humidity took a hike, and the temps dropped to comfortable levels.  Today has been seasonal, but it feels chilly in comparison to what we had for the bulk of the week.

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