Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy Birthday, Buster!

Buster turned 8 today!  I can't believe that my boy's getting so old.  I hope he has many more years with us, though!

To celebrate, Buster spent the day eating snacks (hand fed to him by a certain toddler who thinks it's hilarious that he begs and that she can feed him), getting scratches, playing with Lady a couple times, and taking some good naps.  In other words, things weren't much different than any other day for him with the exception of being another year older ha ha.

In all seriousness, I've noticed that he's becoming grayer in the face over the last year, and he's starting to get more white fur appearing down his back.  From the moment we adopted Buster and Lady, he's had white and gray flecks throughout his facial fur, but it's much more prominent now.  Buster never was a super active dog, and has always turned laziness into an art form, so it's hard to say if he's really slowing down but I have noticed that his bursts of energy aren't lasting as long and aren't as frequent.  Still, save for the pinched nerve in his neck that acts up every now and then, he's in great health!

Happy 8th birthday, Buster!

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